Curatorial Practice


Black, J. Vietgen, P., & Funke, A. B. (Co-Curators). (2015-2018). Canadian Exposition, Eksperimenta! 2017, The Third Contemporary Art Triennale for School Students, Tallinn, Estonia. (Advisor role: for other curators representing the Canadian Society for Education through Art to curate Canadian students’ artworks into the 3rd international high school student art exhibition held in Tallinn, Estonia.)

Black J. Vietgen, P. & Donald, A. (Co-Curators). (2014, Fall). Canadian Exposition, Eksperimenta! The Second Contemporary Art Triennale for School Students, Tallinn, Estonia. (Advisor role: for other curators representing the Canadian Society for Education through Art to curate Canadian students’ artworks into the 2nd international high school student art exhibition.) PDF of article.

Black, J. (Curator). (2012-2013). Little Art: What do Children Believe In? An international travelling exhibition of children’s artworks. Germany.

Black, J. (Curator). (2012, May-June). Canadian Exposition, Young Makers: An International Exhibition of Work by Young Contemporary Artists. Dublin, Ireland.

Black, J. (Curator). (2012, March-April). Canadian Exposition, Young Makers: An International Exhibition of Work by Young Contemporary Artists. Kilkenny, Ireland.

Black, J. (Curator). (2012, February-March). Canadian Exposition, Young Makers: An International Exhibition of Work by Young Contemporary Artists. Cork, Ireland.

Black, J. (Curator). (Permanent Exhibition). Eksperimenta! Donated Artworks to the Faculty of Education. Room 200. (Launched for Education Homecoming 2011). University of Manitoba, Faculty of Education, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Black, J. & Cooley, M. (Co-Curators). (2011, April-June). Canadian Exposition, Eksperimenta! The First Contemporary Art Triennale for School Students, Tallinn, Estonia.

Young artists begin to shine. (2011, June 1). (Review of Eksperimenta!). Euronews. Retrieved from

Irwin, R.  (2011, Spring). Message from INSEA President Rita Irwin about Ek! 2011. INSEA Website. Retrieved from

Youth contemporary art through the eyes of the curator. (2011, April 21). Eksperimenta! Website. Retrieved from

Kehman, J. (2011, March 16). Canada Views: Canadian Youths’ Artworks selected for European Exhibition. Eksperimenta! Website. Retrieved from

Kehman, K. (2011, March 16). Canada Views: Canadian Youths’ Artworks selected for European Exhibition. University of Manitoba Newsroom Website. Retrieved from

Black, J. & Forbes, C. (Co-Curator). (2010, December).  Student Exhibition for 4th Annual Symposium, The Arts and Learning: Shaping our Future Together by the Canadian Network for Arts and Learning, (NALS), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.