
Art Catalogues


Black, J., Donald, A. (2014, October). Canadian curatorial concept for Eksperimenta! 2014. Eksperimenta! 2014 Catalogue. Can be found at


Black, J.  & Cooley, M. (2011).  Kanada/Canada: Curatorial concepts, participants, and artworks. Eksperimenta: Ruum/space, 116-125. Can be found at

Black, J.  & Cooley, M. (2011). Eksperimenta, A contemporary triennial for school students: Catalogue of Canadian contributors. (special insert), Canadian Art Teacher.

Black, J. and Cooley, M.  (2011). Canadian exposition. In Koster, A. (Ed.), Eksperimenta! Catalogue: Space (pp. 118-125). Tallinn, Estonia: Valjaandja Publications. More information at



Black, J.  (2016). Sex/ism: eCHoes & reVERBS @ ivory towers. Toronto, Canada: WIA projects.


Black, J., Castro, J., & Lin, C. (Eds.). (2015). Youth practices in digital arts and new media: Learning in formal and informal settings. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Desktop Publishing


Black, J. & Cooley, M. (2011). Eksperimenta!: An international showcase for art by secondary students. The Canadian Art Teachers, 10(1), 30-35.

Emme, M., Black, J. & Browning, K. (2011, Fall). Canadian Art Teacher (Special edition on “Art and Technology”). Responsible for layout and design using InDesign. 2011. Distributed nationally.


Black, J. (Graphic Artist). (2010). Poster and banner designs for hard copy and digital website formats. For student exhibition for the 4th Annual Symposium, The Arts and Learning: Shaping our Future Together by the Canadian Network for Arts and Learning, (NALS), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.

Guest Speaker


March 2021. Invited to speak at the Research Lunch Presentations: Human Rights-Related Research. Presented with Drs. Piquemal, N, & Moore, S. Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


December 2020, Invited to speak about Creative Publications. Co-speaker with Black, J. , Mizzi, R. & Tze, V. on Academic Publishing for Graduate Students in Education.  Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.


October 2018. Invited to speak on a panel at “Meet the Expert” as part of the Game Changer Competition for undergraduate and graduate students. Speaker panel to discuss, How can Artists Bridge the Communication Gap Between Art and Society at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 

December 2018. Why Teach Art? Invited to speak at the School of Art, University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.

March 2018. Invited by Lisa Schroeder, Art Education Coordinator at the School of Art to the ‘Kitchen Table Discussions’ with Noor Bhangu acting as moderator. Speaker panel to discuss the exhibition. Overlapping Violent Histories: A curatorial Investigation into Difficult Knowledge, at the School of Art University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.



Black, J.  COVID-19 Anxiety: Research Creation and Pedagogy. (2022). Paper presented at the Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCADU). Toronto, Ontario.Virtual. September 19, 2022.

Black, J. (2022). What’s it all about? Becoming an art educator. Paper presented at the School of Art, University of Manitoba. ARTlab. Winnipeg, Canada, November 2022.Black, J. (2022). Research Creation by Joanna Black. Paper presented at the School of Art, University of Manitoba. ARTlab. Winnipeg, Canada, September 16, 2022.


Black, J. Patterson, P. & Payne D. (2021). Covid-19 anxiety: Location, refuge and loss. Paper presented at the Association of Independent Colleges of Art + Design (AICAD). Virtual Conference. February 18-30, 2021.


Black, J.  Art and the economy. Contemporary Canadian Indigenous art education. Paper presented at the IDEAlab, Tallinn Art Hall. Tallinn, Estonia, October 20-21, 2017.


Black, J. & Vietgen, P. (2016). Looking at Anne Savage and Arthur Lismer to shed light on the artist/teacher identity. Paper presented at the annual conference, of the Canadian Society for Education through Art, entitled, ‘Intersections’, Victoria, Canada, October 20-22, 2016.


Black, J. (2012). Outcomes of best practices in model new media/video programs. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Art Education Association (NAEA), New York, USA, March 1-4, 2012.

Radio and Television Coverage


OCADU. (2022, September). 113 Research: Anthropogenic Anxiety: September -December 2022.

Patterson, P. (2022).

ARTORONTO. (2022). Gallery 1313 25th Anniversary Exhibit.


Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba Announcements. (2021, April). COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene. Website, Winnipeg, Canada.

OCADU, Pulse, Research and Innovation. (April. 2021). Recent Publications, COVID-19 Anxiety: Location, Refugee, and Loss. Toronto, Canada.  

Research Life, University of Manitoba. (2021, Winter). COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene. Volume 1, p.23.

Zoratti, Zen. (2021, April, 15). Anxiety Unmasked. Winnipeg Free Press. P. D01-D02.


Gonzalez, Nelly. CBC News Editor. (September 1, 2020). Education during COVID-19:  Parents call on Manitoba government to make remote learning available for every student. Television interview by Touria Izri. CBC Television, Winnipeg, Canada.    


Dempsey, S. (2017, March). Tiny Gallery: MAWA Members’ Wall. MAWA Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art, March – May, 2017 newsletter. 

Black, J. (2017, January). Hot off the Presses. Research and International, University of Manitoba website. Advertising for Black, J., Castro, J., & Lin, C. (Eds.). (2015). Youth practices in digital arts and new media: Learning in formal and informal settings. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Found at

Dempsey, S. (2017, March). Tiny Gallery: MAWA Members’ Wall. MAWA Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art, March – May, 2017 newsletter.

McFee, J. (2017, January).  Contemporary Indigenous Art and  Education at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Manitoba Teacher Society (MTS) Journal.


Cloutier, Richard. (Interviewer). (2016, July 15). Interviewed about the course, Teachers Portrayals in the Popular Media. [Radio Broadcast]. On Richard Cloutier reports. Winnipeg, Canada: CJOB, AM 680.

Visual Essays


Black, J. Patterson, P., & Payne, D. (2022). Covid-19 anxiety – Location, refuge, and loss: A visual essay. Academia Letters, Article 4994.

Video Production


Harper, S. & Black, J. (Videographers). (2010, September). Sylvia Harper: Gardening to Diabetes. Participatory video, the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.

Websites, LibGuides, and Blogs


Black, J., Patterson, P., & Payne D.  (2022). Research and Innovation at OCADU: Research in/on Making and Teaching in the Time of COVID.  Online Research Website.  

Black, J & Patterson, (2022, September-December). Anthropogenic Anxiety. 113Research. Toronto, Ontario, Canada., J. Patterson, P., & Payne, D.  (2021-2021) “COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene: Examining Political and Societal Effects in Art.” Virtual Art. Video Artwork entitled, COVID-19 Anxiety: Location, Refuge and Loss, Supported by the University of Manitoba Creative Works Grant.

Black, J. Patterson, P., & Payne, D. (2022). COVID-19 Pedagogies: Tools, Content and Strategies. University of Manitoba Libraries.


Black, J. Patterson, P., & Payne, D.  (2021-2021) “COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene: Examining Political and Societal Effects in Art.” Virtual Art. Video Artwork entitled, COVID-19 Anxiety: Location, Refuge and Loss, Supported by the University of Manitoba Creative Works Grant.

Black, J., Patterson, P., & Payne D.  (2020-2021). Online Website, LibGuide and Exhibition.


Black, J. (2014, February & 2013, November). Babble (Babel), Toronto 2013/2014.  Blog created for two performance events comprised of  performance artists. Event held at Hart House, University of Toronto. Blog created by Joanna Black. Can be found at


Li, P. & Black, J. (2011). Canada, Generation NXT: Eksperimenta Canadian Site. Visual Art Blog. Visual texts provided by Joanna Black.

Jarvis, D. & Black, J. (2011).  Eskperimenta! Update. Information provided about the Canadian Exhibition for the Canadian Society for Education through Art website. Documentation and written text by Joanna Black. Can be found at


Black, J. (2010). Canadian Exposition: Eksperimenta! Written text and visuals for Eksperimenta! website. Documentation and written text by Joanna Black. Can be found at