A collaborative artwork stemming from an ARTIFACTS performance by Pam Patterson & Leena Raudvee together with performer/writer Joanna Black and reinterpreted by Miklos Legrady. Exhibition, Feminist Fomo Nomo, The Learning Zone, Toronto, Canada.
This work was a part of the feminist exhibition Fomo Nomo: this image speaks to a cacophony of politics-as-gesture. BINary/TeXTs is a collaborative artwork stemming from an ARTIFACTS performance by Pam Patterson & Leena Raudvee together with perform-er/writer Joanna Black and reinterpreted by Miklos Legrady. In this artwork creative inquiry is undertaken in relation to knowledge sharing and strong pedagogical relationship building in which distinct feminist social contexts arise from the past and are related to 21st century digital learning spaces. Performance meets blogspace, video/text/ and moving digital imagery with a final lasting re/interpreted digital photographic text.